At the heart of AIROPS 5 lies a comprehensive database of information which can be easily added to and amended by the user. Elements in the database include:
Aircraft -customised to the user’s own aircraft – performance, configurations, weights, limitations, charging methods, etc., plus information on generic aircraft types.
Airports - comprehensive details on over 10,800 airports worldwide – runway lengths, altitude, facilities, handling agents, hotels, etc.
Crew - personnel details, ratings, training records, Flight Time Limitation Schemes.
Geography - countries, exchange rates, time zones – automatic calculation of local and UTC times.
Navigation - stored routes that can be used for quotation calculation, wind tables.
Clients -clients, contacts, prospective clients, account details, marketing functions, mailing information.
Sub-charter - optional JP ‘Airline Fleets International’ database – automatic search facility to source aircraft throughout the world.
Diary - automatic diary functions with checklist of tasks to perform for each job.
Interfaces - upload data from external sources such as “AC-U-KWIK’’, export data to other software, e.g. accounting systems.
Users - passwords, level of system access.