Aviation parks

Price / Service: Inquiry

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Aerópolis is strongly committed to the training and provides interested possibilities of gaining specialized qualification for the aerospace professionals and for those people from other areas interested in getting into the aerospace sector.
Aerópolis is the place to be for aerospace businesses in Europe. At the core of the Andalusian aeronautic pole, it houses a prime contractor, Airbus Military, the A400M FAL, two Tier 1 providers, top technology infrastructures and more than 60 companies involved in major programmes. The Park creates the best possible environment for innovation and business. An unique location where customers, providers and researchers are one street away from each other, working hand in hand to boost the development of the aeronautical sector.

Products and Services

Aerópolis is strongly committed to the training and provides interested possibilities of gaining specialized qualification for the aerospace professionals and for those people from other areas interested in getting into the aerospace sector.

Business Scope

Services Economic development

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  • Price / Service:Inquiry

  • Price / Service:Inquiry

  • Price / Service:Inquiry