Production cycle support/Production cycle software Control/Software training of production

Price / Service: Inquiry

Product Specifications/Others


Our co-workers highly qualified in complementary domains insure all the trainings since the theoretical statistics until the use of our software S.E.S.A.ME.? , FINAME, SIGAME… by the way of Oracle and SQL Server databases.Study, realization of measurement assemblies;Specific developments;Everest conquest, accompaniment of your company project.
Solutions and support during the production cycle: Real-time steering and continuous improvement of the processes; Storage of data to transform them into information; Your data and the 3U principle: Useful, Usable, Used; Traceability and transformation of your indicators into $

Products and Services

Our co-workers highly qualified in complementary domains insure all the trainings since the theoretical statistics until the use of our software S.E.S.A.ME.® , FINAME, SIGAME… by the way of Oracle and SQL Server databases.Study, realization of measurement

Business Scope

Production equipment and software Control, Measurement and Quality

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