Aircraft value assessments/Return conditions/Contract negotiations/Delivery and re-delivery assistance

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AIRCRAFT MARKETING AND LEASE MANAGEMENT.Maintenance surveys. Residual.Value Assessments.Exitstrategies.Return Conditions.Contractnegotiations.Delivery and re-delivery assistance
Aircraft Systems Group, Inc. advises and assists aircraft owners, banks, leasing institutions, and others, in minimizing their exposure to the inherent risk involved in technical transactions. ASG develops and applies solutions to critical problems evolving from the increasingly complex financial and technical issues faced by the aviation community. We at ASG, always maximize advantages available to our clients, while assisting in assessing the terms and conditions of the entire transaction.

Products and Services

AIRCRAFT MARKETING AND LEASE MANAGEMENT.Maintenance surveys. Residual.Value Assessments.Exitstrategies.Return Conditions.Contractnegotiations.Delivery and re-delivery assistance

Business Scope

AIRCRAFT MARKETING AND LEASE MANAGEMENT.Maintenance surveys. Residual.Value Assessments.Exitstrategies.Return Conditions.Contractnegotiations.Delivery and re-delivery assistance

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