Publication/Aerial news

Price / Service: Inquiry

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Publication, aerial news
Ringi­er is the largest internationally op­erating Swiss me­dia compa­ny, produc­ing over 120 newspapers and mag­a­zines. It also runs print­ing plants, sev­eral ra­dio and TV stations and well over 80 web and mobile platforms with a worldwide staff of approxi­mately 8,000 employees. With its 180-year history, Ringi­er stands for a pio­neering spirit and individuality as well as independence, freedom of ex­pres­sion and diversity of information. The compa­ny’s hallmarks are ex­cel­lence in prod­ucts, journalis­tic quality and exceptional entertain­ment. Founded in Switzer­land in 1833, Ringi­er has been fam­ily run for five generations.

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Publication, aerial news

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Publication, aerial news

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